Cleaning during covid – 19 This is a strange and challenging time for millions around the world! It has effected everyone in some way and businesses have struggled like never before! The cleaning sector has been no different, many companies like ours found that in a course of days they lost their entire client base!…
As a local cleaning company in Southend we took the decision very early in the process that for the safety of our clients and dedicated cleaning team that we would close down and follow the guidance given by the government and our cleaning governing body!
Having been closed for 8 weeks we have tried to keep in touch with our team of cleaners and clients and at all times stressed that we would not return to cleaning in Southend or any of the areas we cover until it was safe to do so and most importantly not until our team of cleaners were happy to return!
Following from requests from a few of our cleaning team to return to work and the recent change to the government guidelines for cleaners and tradesmen and also the change in advice from our governing body we have decided to reopen!
This will be a gradual process and will be entirely led by safety concerns and our cleaners will not return until they are happy to do so!
Our cleaners who have returned have all been given the health and safety advice given by both the government and the cleaning governing bodies and will be adhering to the guidelines.
This will include but is not limited to social distancing at all times. Where possible we will ask our clients to stay in a separate room and limit communication. This will be difficult as our professional team of cleaners are a friendly bunch and are used to engaging with their clients.
They will wear masks and where possible open windows. Our cleaners will only use their clients equipment and products to avoid cross contamination.
They will regularly be washing their hands and using sanitiser before entering their clients homes.
This is to enable them to keep both themselves and their clients as safe as is possible.